For the spring semester, I have given up the small town of Grantham, Pennsylvania, to live in an entirely different part of the world. THAILAND!! I have become a fully enrolled student at the Chiang Mai University in Chiang Mai, Thailand and will be exploring many different aspects of Thai culture! I'll be learning the Thai language, living with a Thai family, taking classes and interning at a local organization. I'm so excited!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thai Exam

Today we had our first Thai exam. We were to speak for 4 minutes straight and have no notes! That's a long time for a language that you have only been taking for 2 1/2 weeks! But I wrote my whole speech out with the help of my Khun Ma. She sat down at the table with me and offered to help me. (It was such an encouragement...and an answer to all those prayers!!) So we worked on my speech for a while the other night. Then again on Monday night I practiced it over and over again. At first they told us it had to be memorized and we could not use our notes, but then I think they felt bad for us and decided we could use our notes, but not stare at them the whole time. This was a huge relief. I sat at the dinner table while my Khun Pa ate (because he works late, he eats late) and read my speech. I said how are you in the beginning and he burst our laughing really hard. I though that maybe I said it wrong. But then my Khun Ma translated that he said I shouldn't say that because I am not a rock star. It was like I was saying "Hello America!! How are you tonight!?!" like they do at the beginning of concerts. So I cut that part out of my speech. There was really no problem with me saying it, but they thought it was hilarious. The exam was this morning and we had to go one by one into a classroom with two professors. I chose the room with the professor I have had a few times to Thai class. Aj. Jaroon, and Aj Ranette, who is our writing teacher. It was quite intimidating. And at the end of my speech they asked a few questions. In Thai and I had to figure out how to answer them. But I did, and I think I did pretty well. Well, I'm sure I passed. And the good news is that there is no more Thai language class for the rest of the week. We get a break!
After the test we had a bunch of time before our next class so I decided I would go to the coffee shop with a few other students and get some coffee as a reward for doing my test. The coffee shop I have been to a few times was closed so we went to another one. It was a bakery and coffee place. The girl before ordered an ice coffee so I tried some of hers. They put sweetened condensed milk in it. It made it super sweet. So I ordered mine without that and without any sugar. I figured I could always add sugar later if it wasn't good. Well...this coffee was terrible. It was so sweet. It was like drinking sugar with a slight coffee taste...I compared it to drinking coffee syrup. So gross.... I was not happy, but it was only 50 cents... But still not a happy treat. We wandered around for a little while and then the coffee shop that is good opened and we went there. I got an iced cappuccino. That was very cool. Much better than the coffee syrup that I tried earlier and ended up throwing away.
Lesson learned....Do not order coffee from the bakery shop near the faculty of humanities! Only order from a legit coffee shop!


  1. Do you know what you got on your exam? It sounds like I wouldn't like that sweet coffee. Grandpa T would have. How funny. Love you.

  2. Wow MaryKate, I am very impressed that you could get through a speech like that!! We didn't do that well in our German class . . .
