For the spring semester, I have given up the small town of Grantham, Pennsylvania, to live in an entirely different part of the world. THAILAND!! I have become a fully enrolled student at the Chiang Mai University in Chiang Mai, Thailand and will be exploring many different aspects of Thai culture! I'll be learning the Thai language, living with a Thai family, taking classes and interning at a local organization. I'm so excited!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Language intensive is OVER!

I have officially finished my first week of Thai language and from here on out we will not be having 5 hours of language a day. Only 2! So this is such a reason to celebrate! And as of a few hours ago I will have been in Thailand 1 week! It's kinda crazy to think about that. We've done so much in just this one week and it seems like we've been here for a month. I have a feeling that the next 4 months is going to fly by! Today I went and looked at the other internship I am considering. It is called BanPawsawn (not the correct spelling... but I can't spell). It's a boarding house for slum kids or orphans that do not have proper paperwork to get schooling. So this place works to get the proper paper work and put them in school. It was an awesome place. A place that really needs English teachers. The missionaries who work there seem like really sweet people. They've been there for something like 16 years. It's unbelievable. If I were to choose this internship I'd be teaching English in the school that is down the road that the children go to. I would share a classroom with one other person on the program and we'd give English lessons 4 days a week. It seems crazy to me as I am not a teacher at all, but apparently they just want native english speakers in their classrooms. It's a difficult decision to make whether to work here or at Agape Home. The need is very clear at BanPawsawn but I really feel that God may be calling me to Agape Home. The internships are very similar in nature as I would be teaching English in a school at Agape too. But there is something pulling me towards Agape. We'll see in a few days. I start on Monday so I need to decide soon!
Tomorrow we are hiking up a mountain (that I can see from my room... there are mountains all around the city and they are so pretty) to a temple at the top. It should be fun. I think we can hike half way and then take the rotdang (car thingy) up the rest of the way. And then there is something like 400 stairs to the actual temple. I might be taking the rotdang half the way. I'm not a big hiker. haha. But after we come down the mountain, Aj Mike is paying for a two hour massage for all of us! Should be wonderful! And then we are headed to his house for a party. It's his birthday and they invited us all over and are having good food. So it should be a packed full day, but definitely a good one!
Sunday the real fun starts...we move in with our Thai families. I'm not sure what to expect about this. Aj Mike's saying is "no expectations no disappointments". So I am not expecting any English but am secretly hoping that my family speaks at least enough English for me to say "not spicy" and "no squid". haha. But we'll see. I will probably be living on the outskirts of the city closer to my internship. Both BanPawsan and Agape home are outside the city. Apparently the houses outside the city are quite nice. They are generally in new developments so we'll see what my house looks like. But again... "no expectations".
Well, I'm off to dinner now at the front gate of CMU (commonly called "front gate") with some Thai buddies! Happy Birthday Tyler! It's crazy to think that your birthday is just beginning because the 15th is just starting over on that side of the world. The day is almost over here!


  1. Hey MK,
    I check your blog everyday and I enjoy reading about your adventures. We pray for you all the time. Hope your time with your host family works out well. Are the Christians? Sounds like you have some challenging days ahead. Take care. We love you!

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun!!! I bet you'll have so much fun with the Thai family. And the 2 hour massage!?! AMAZING! I'm excited FOR you! :)

  3. YA HOO!! Tyler passed his driving test...what a circus DMV is. Hope you are able to figure out which internship to do. Both sound sooo good. Have fun on the hike and at the massage. Hope you'll be able to walk after both. Love you. Looking forward to hearing about your Thai family.
