For the spring semester, I have given up the small town of Grantham, Pennsylvania, to live in an entirely different part of the world. THAILAND!! I have become a fully enrolled student at the Chiang Mai University in Chiang Mai, Thailand and will be exploring many different aspects of Thai culture! I'll be learning the Thai language, living with a Thai family, taking classes and interning at a local organization. I'm so excited!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ronald McDonald sighted in Chiang Mai

Today I caved...after going to the Gem Store (again...) with some of the girls (and two guys, but the one is the fiancee of one of the girls and the other is the boyfriend of one of the girls) we all went back to the city area and decided to get some lunch. We found a cute little "western cafe". YES! American food that does not include rice. The menu had everything! Grilled Cheese, Bagels with cream cheese, pizza, sandwiches...all things I'd been craving since I got here. And best of all it wasn't RICE! or Rice Noodles! How amazing is that. So after much contemplation I decided on the personal pizza. I said no to the bagel because I knew it wouldn't be anything like a NJ bagel as even other places in the U.S cannot make them good. And no to the grilled cheese because I was starving and wasn't too sure about how the cheese would taste. Our food arrived and mine was these little pizzas made on pieces of french bread. Oh my goodness was it delicious! It was so good I personally thanked the cook! I was so happy with my lunch purchase!
After eating, 3 other girls and I decided to go over to "walking street" which is the HUGE market on Sunday nights. It was so fun. I got a pair of flip flops, a purse, a few bracelets, some postcards and some other wonderfully cheap amazing things....Oh and two DVD's (17 Again and Bride Wars) for just a few dollars! AMAZING!
After we were done shopping....we were hungry again. And then I saw it! MCDONALD'S! I had to have a burger. I just had to. So we crossed the street and entered the establishment. Wow! Things weren't too pricey either. I had a "Cheeseburger Set". Which is a cheeseburger combo in American terms. This included fries and a drink. It tasted just like at home. Only it was more wonderful than ever! The burger had cheese on it! Something I hadn't tasted in way too long! And the fries were delicious. I was so thrilled to be eating something that wasn't rice or noodles or anything with a spice in it.
So today I caved and had American food. Yesterday when I had the McFlurry at the mall...that doesn't really count as caving because it wasn't a whole meal. It was just ice cream!
I am proud that I made it this long with a taste of American food. And then two American meals in 1 day! Today I successfully avoided rice for the whole day! And that is something to be proud of.
And to top it all off, Ronald McDonald was standing outside (a statue of course)...and he was doing the traditional Thai bow....a wai! You know you're in Thailand when Ronald McDonald is wai-ing people as they enter the restaurant!

1 comment:

  1. now this will do you for a while longer? I imagine you are totally sick of rice, eating it 3 meals a day. Love you, honey. Miss you.
