For the spring semester, I have given up the small town of Grantham, Pennsylvania, to live in an entirely different part of the world. THAILAND!! I have become a fully enrolled student at the Chiang Mai University in Chiang Mai, Thailand and will be exploring many different aspects of Thai culture! I'll be learning the Thai language, living with a Thai family, taking classes and interning at a local organization. I'm so excited!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Day of Thai Class

Hello Everyone from the CMU Humanities Computer Lab!
It is about noon here, right after lunch. I had Pad Thai today and then some green mango. Pretty good. The green mango is not like regular mango... a little more tangy. But it was good. We had our first Thai lesson... wow.... this is a tough language. It is very based on tones... and if you know anything about me, I am rather tone deaf. This might be a slight problem. But we have another Thai lesson in 1/2 hour so hopefully with more practice I will improve. Our class was on the 8th floor of the this building and never again will I complain about being on the 4th floor of Boyer. This was a hike! And we walked. All the Thai students take the elevator so I'm sure they were laughing at us when they saw us walking. Thai people don't like to walk anywhere. And for that reason there aren't too many sidewalks. (there are some though, so don't worry I'm not walking in the middle of the street). Class was 2 hours long. The next class will only be an hour. So I'm looking forward to that. After class we go to the consalate to hear a little welcome speak and see where to go if we get lost of loose our passport. Then it's off to more shopping! We are going to the day market to get traditional northern Thai outfits for a big dinner we are going to tomorrow night. It's a traditions northern Thai dinner where we will sit on the floor and be served on a huge plate! I'm excited about the outfit!
This computer lab is pretty interesting...First I had to remove my shoes and put on a pair of sandles. Now if you know me, going barefoot doesn't bother me that much. Except in certain places... like the Marshall's and Macy's dressing room. That really bugs me. And a new thing that kinda weirds me out is putting on a random pair of communal flip flops... but apparently we had to to come in here. Oh well. Then it was challenging to turn on the comptuer. I had to find the tech and ask him to help me. But he spoke limited english. Luckily there was a proff sitting next to me that helped translate. Then after about 5 min of waiting it turned on. I typed an email to my advisor asking if I could take the challenging art class pass/fail (because they grade based on skill not effort) and then my typing language switched to Chinese... and I had to learn how to switch it back. I did. And finally got loged on here. It was quite the adventure in the computer lab!
Well I'm off to Thai class now!


  1. Hi MK,
    Sounds like you are in for some real challenges, but we're confident that you can handle it. Love you!

  2. Thank you for phoning my Sugar Bear, I love to hear your voice and about all your day. I'll be praying for your adjustment and language study.

  3. haha MK this post made me laugh :) I haven't read your other ones but i will :) Haha. It was funny about you being tone deaf and walking. but hey you'll be fit ;) lol. What kind of art class is it? That's really weird about the sandals in the computer lab. how do you like your uniforms?
