For the spring semester, I have given up the small town of Grantham, Pennsylvania, to live in an entirely different part of the world. THAILAND!! I have become a fully enrolled student at the Chiang Mai University in Chiang Mai, Thailand and will be exploring many different aspects of Thai culture! I'll be learning the Thai language, living with a Thai family, taking classes and interning at a local organization. I'm so excited!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Art Class....the bad sequel...

I call this post the bad sequel because you know how sometimes when they made sequels to movies they just turn our terribly and you wonder why they felt the need to continue the story when the story should have just ended? Well, that is how I feel about art class, only there was no choice in the making of the sequel. It just had to happen. Art Class happened on Friday. We had two sessions...and it was TERRIBLE! Seriously! Some people would probably love to have 5-6 hours of art class in one day...but not me! Some art I really enjoy and find it super fun....but when I have to freehand draw things and then paint them, I HATE IT! We started out slowly by drawing an animal. I drew an elephant and it turned out pretty well if I must say so myself. But then I had to paint it and blend the watercolors AND do shading on this thing. Everyone kept telling me to just picture it with a light shining on it...well I just can't do that. It's impossible for my brain to see it like that. So my elephant looked pretty special. In the middle of my elephant painting, we had to break for lunch. This was a welcomed break, especially because it was birthday lunch. It was two people's birthdays so we had a special lunch. This means that Aj. Mike pays and has it specially catered and that we had the best thing of all... CAKE! This cake was funfeti with pink icing because the girl whose birthday it was always has the kind of cake and her best friend...who happens to be on the trip...told Aj Mike that and he got her a special cake. So it was good cake.
But then the torture began again...back to art class. I finally finished my elephant (i'm getting a headache just thinking about this whole ordeal) and then we had to paint a whole other picture. We had to trace a painting (a famous one) and then paint it exactly like the original one. This meant mixing colors and all that fun stuff. It was just so time consuming. About half way through this I had to find my i-pod and turn up the volume so I could just try to find my happy place. I was just getting so mad at this painting. And not because it was hard, just because it was annoying and I was so over painting. It was not fun or relaxing to me. I finally finished and turned it in. When I turned it in I felt like I could have cried...not because I was sad, or happy because it was done, just because this painting made me so frustrated.
I figured it was all up hill from more art class for the rest of the day, but then they gave us our final art project....and the hill suddenly hit a dive and it was down hill again. Our final for the art class is so take one of the famous painting they gave us and draw one of the people in it. Freehand draw a person. Then paint them exactly the way they are in the picture. And there is no chance for tracing this picture because we have to enlarge it. It's not gonna be if anyone is in Thailand and can draw or paint, I would pay you do to this art final....any takers?? I'm dreading this painting and putting it off like it's some type of deadly plague!


  1. I wish I was there to help you...sorry you aren't liking it like you used to do when you were little. Remember painting in those coloring books with a Q-tip and water? I think I may just have to get my paints out and paint a little. Miss you. Good luck.

  2. MK, are you sure you are not my child? Can't sing, can't paint . . . hum

  3. Your education in Thailand sure includes a lot of challenging things. Hang in there. We love you and continue to pray for you. Miss you, too.

  4. You did just need your mom out there...she could have whipped you up an elephant. :) I'd feel the same way about art class. I'd seriously rather write a paper or study for a test.
