For the spring semester, I have given up the small town of Grantham, Pennsylvania, to live in an entirely different part of the world. THAILAND!! I have become a fully enrolled student at the Chiang Mai University in Chiang Mai, Thailand and will be exploring many different aspects of Thai culture! I'll be learning the Thai language, living with a Thai family, taking classes and interning at a local organization. I'm so excited!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Visit from Mom and Tyler

Here's a little wrap up of what I did with mom and ty when they came to visit me in Thailand.
We saw the sights in Bangkok on the first day. It was super super hot! Then the next day we went on a tour to see Bridge over the River Kwai...some WWII thing. We had a wonderfully hilarious flamboyant tour guide named Oat. He was quite the character, but really nice and got us lots and lots of food...a very Thai thing to do. I think we sampled everything he saw that was edible on the entire tour. We also went to a really pretty waterfalls and to the Tiger Temple. That was pretty cool. It's a temple where there are tigers walking around. We got to pet them and get out pictures with them. That was crazy...even mom did it!
Then it was off to Phuket...the INDIAN OCEAN!! Yes, I have now swam in the Indian Ocean. I am so happy I got to do that while I was on that side of the world! It was so pretty and blue, but it was a bit rough. The waves would crazy several feet over my head.
After a bit of time at the beach, we went back up to Chiang Mai. We did the shopping markets and got lots of good stuff. We went Elephant Riding. That was super fun. It was a different place than I had gone the first time, so it was new for me too. At the elephant place we also rode in an Ox Cart...that I got to DRIVE! The driver was impressed that I could speak Thai so he let me and Tyler drive his ox cart. We rode a bamboo raft and saw an elephant show. The elephants danced and played harmonicas. It was so cute! Then our Elephant riding day was finished off with a trip to the Orchid garden. They are gorgeous flowers!
We went to the Kantok dinner...which is traditional northern style food and dancing. That was pretty fun...we sat on the floor. This could be defined as a "cultural experience".
We went to the Gem store! Love that place! Shopped around for some wonderful gems!
I think that's about it. As fast paced as this post is, is as fast paced as this trip was. We saw most of the main parts of Thailand...all in just 1 week! It's how the Stone Family travels!
Will post pictures soon!

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